cold snap

[kəuld snæp]
  • 释义
  • 寒流;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Northern China is a severe cold snap that is putting pressure on vegetable prices.


  • 2、

    A prolonged cold snap in Europe is fueling a resurgence in the national pastime.


  • 3、

    EXAMPLE : Spring was quite warm until last week when we had a cold snap.


  • 4、

    COLD SNAP: A deer foraged for food as the sun set over Knutsford, England, Tuesday.

    寒流来袭: 周二在英格兰纳兹福德,一头鹿在落日的余晖中觅食.

  • 5、

    Ice Floes now also affects Cold Snap and Ice Barrier.


  • 6、

    Fine for a cold snap , but not if you're zooming about in the heat.

    能够很好的御寒, 但是对于热天却没什麽用.

  • 7、

    It's quite a cold snap.


  • 8、

    The cold snap did not lift for a week. Every day we skated through the forest.

    寒冷的天气持续了一个星期,气温也没有回升, 每天我们滑着冰穿过森林.

  • 9、

    We are having a cold snap.


  • 10、

    Britain is suffering through its longest cold snap since 1981.


  • 11、

    Hunan's Huanghua Airport has been closed since Friday in the worst cold snap in a decade.

